The Measure
Water management facilities, ecosystem restoration, and flood management infrastructure are sited to avoid or reduce conflicts with existing or planned uses when feasible, considering comments from local agencies and the Delta Protection Commission. Plans for ecosystem restoration consider sites on existing public lands, when feasible and consistent with a project’s purpose, before privately owned sites are purchased.
Delta Plan Strategy
Plan to Protect the Delta’s Lands and Communities
Delta Plan Policy
DP P2. Respect Local Land Use When Siting Water or Flood Facilities or Restoring Habitats
(a) Water management facilities, ecosystem restoration, and flood management infrastructure must be sited to avoid or reduce conflicts with existing uses or those uses described or depicted in city and county general plans for their jurisdictions or spheres of influence when feasible, considering comments from local agencies and the Delta Protection Commission. Plans for ecosystem restoration must consider sites on existing public lands, when feasible and consistent with a project’s purpose, before privately owned sites are purchased. Measures to mitigate conflicts with adjacent uses may include, but are not limited to, buffers to prevent adverse effects on adjacent farmland.
(b) For purposes of Water Code section 85057.5(a)(3) and section 5001(j)(1)(E) of this Chapter, this policy covers proposed actions that involve the siting of water management facilities, ecosystem restoration, and flood management infrastructure.