The Measure
The Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (DPIIC) develops strategies for acquisition and long-term ownership and management of lands necessary to achieve ecosystem restoration, consistent with the guidance in Appendix Q2.
Measure Details
The Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (DPIIC) provides a framework for coordination, alignment, and cooperation to resolve barriers to effective implementation such as restrictions on the amount and use of restoration funding, complex and time-intensive permitting requirements, and a lack of authority and funding to support long-term ownership and management of restoration projects.
DPIIC establishes a restoration sub-committee that has institutional commitment to a single, consolidated restoration forum with agency support and discretion to align strategies. (DPIIC member’s roles and responsibilities in Table 4-1.)
Delta Plan Strategy
Improve Institutional Coordination to Support Implementation of Ecosystem Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement
Delta Plan Recommendation
ER R “F” Support Implementation of Ecosystem Restoration.
Local, State and federal agencies should coordinate to support implementation of ecosystem restoration, and the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (DPIIC) should:
(a) Consider establishing an ecosystem restoration subcommittee that includes tribal representation.
(b) Develop strategies for acquisition and long-term ownership and management of lands necessary to achieve ecosystem restoration consistent with the guidance in Appendix Q2.
(c) Develop a funding strategy that identifies a portfolio of approaches to remove institutional barriers and fund Ecosystem Restoration Tier 1 or 2 actions within the Delta.
(d) Establish program-level endangered species permitting mechanisms that increase efficiency for Ecosystem Restoration Tier 1 or 2 actions within the Delta and compatible ecosystem restoration projects within the Delta watershed.
(e) Coordinate with the Delta Science Program to align State, federal, and local resources for scientific support of restoration efforts, including adaptive management, data tools, monitoring, synthesis, and communication.
(f) Develop a landscape-scale strategy for recreational access to existing and future restoration sites, where appropriate and while maintaining ecological value.
(g) Increase tribal engagement and input in planning conducted by agencies responsible for implementing and coordinating ecosystem restoration and protection projects in the Delta.