Admin Measure Summary


The Measure

The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board requires responsible entities that discharge wastewater treatment plant effluent or urban runoff to Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta waters to evaluate whether all or a portion of the discharge can be recycled, otherwise used, or treated in order to reduce contaminant loads to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta by January 1, 2014.

Delta Plan Strategy

Improve Environmental Water Quality

Delta Plan Recommendation

WQ R10. Evaluate Wastewater Recycling, Reuse, or Treatment. The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, consistent with existing water quality control plan policies and water rights law, should require responsible entities that discharge wastewater treatment plant effluent or urban runoff to Delta waters to evaluate whether all or a  portion of the discharge can be recycled, otherwise used, or treated in order to reduce contaminant loads to the Delta by January 1, 2014.

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