Admin Measure Summary


The Measure

California Department of Water Resources has modified the California Water Plan update to include specified categories of information to be tracked.

Measure Details

The California Water Plan 2018 Update was released in June 2019 and includes all new indicators in the Sustainability Outlook Indicators  Descriptions and Methodology (Sustainability Outlook) document. The Sustainability Outlook establishes a comprehensive method for tracking and reporting the progress and the effectiveness of implementing water management actions and policies, as well as return on investment. A goal of the Sustainability Outlook was to provide shared agreement and consistency across State government and local governments throughout California.  The Sustainability Outlook framework pilot projects in the Russian River and Santa Ana watershed were completed in 2019.  Further deployment of the Sustainability Outlook will occur through the 2023 Water Plan Update process.

Delta Plan Strategy

Improved Water Management Information

Delta Plan Recommendation

WR R18. California Water Plan. The California Department of Water Resources, in consultation with the State Water Resources Control Board and other agencies and stakeholders, should evaluate and include in the next and all future California Water Plan updates information needed to track water supply reliability performance measures identified in the Delta Plan, including an assessment of water efficiency and new water supply development, regional water balances, improvements in regional self-reliance, reduced regional reliance on the Delta, and reliability of Delta exports, and an overall assessment of progress in achieving the coequal goals.

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