The Measure
California Department of Water Resources’ update of Bulletin 118 information (using field data, California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Program, and best available science) and identification of the state’s groundwater basins that are in a critical condition of overdraft by December 31, 2014.
Measure Details
Bulletin 118 Interim Update 2016 identified groundwater basins in critical conditions of overdraft. The basins described in the update were used for identifying and prioritizing basins for the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). SGMA was signed into law in 2014. SGMA sets regulatory standards for sustainable groundwater management planning, specifically that groundwater management must avoid undesirable results. The Delta Plan Sustainable Groundwater performance measure (PM 3.8) tracks State responsibilities for SMGA implementation.
The Bulletin 118 update was published in December 2016. Bulletin 118 will be updated in 2020 and every five years thereafter. Bulletin 118 provides Critical Conditions of Overdraft, Basin Boundaries, and Basin Priority for SGMA implementation. For more information on the Basin boundaries see SGMA Data Viewer which provides access to groundwater-related datasets, including the boundaries for critically overdrafted basins.
Delta Plan Strategy
Improve groundwater management
Delta Plan Recommendation
WR R9. Update Bulletin 118, California’s Groundwater Plan. The California Department of Water Resources, in consultation with the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Geological Survey, the State Water Resources Control Board, and other agencies and stakeholders, should update Bulletin 118 information using field data, California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM), groundwater agency reports, satellite imagery, and other best available science by December 31, 2014, so that this information can be included in the next California Water Plan Update and be available for inclusion in 2015 urban water management plans and agricultural water management plans. The Bulletin 118 update should include a systematic evaluation of major groundwater basins to determine sustainable yield and overdraft status; a projection of California’s groundwater resources in 20 years if current groundwater management trends remain unchanged; anticipated impacts of climate change on surface water and groundwater resources; and recommendations for State, federal, and local actions to improve groundwater management. In addition, the Bulletin 118 update should identify groundwater basins that are in a critical condition of overdraft.
Related Output/Outcome Performance Measure
PM 3.8 Sustainable Groundwater