Admin Measure Summary


The Measure

Identify number of groundwater basins identified by California Department of Water Resources as being in a critical condition of overdraft that have groundwater management plans consistent with the required and recommended components of groundwater management plans listed in the California Department of Water Resources Bulletin 118-03 by 2014.

Delta Plan Strategy

Improve groundwater management

Delta Plan Recommendation

WR R11. Recover and Manage Critically Overdrafted Groundwater Basins. Local and regional agencies in groundwater basins that have been identified by the California Department of Water Resources as being in a critical condition of overdraft should develop and implement a sustainable groundwater management plan, consistent with both the required and recommended components of local groundwater management plans identified by the California Department of Water Resources Bulletin 118 (Update 2003), by December 31, 2014. If local or regional agencies fail to develop and implement these plans, the State Water Resources Control Board should take action to determine if the continued overuse of a groundwater basin constitutes a violation of the State’s Constitution Article X, Section 2, prohibition on unreasonable use of water and whether a groundwater adjudication is necessary to prevent the destruction of or irreparable injury to the quality of the groundwater, consistent with Water Code sections 2100 and 2101.

Related Output/Outcome Performance Measure

PM 3.8 Sustainable Groundwater

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