The Measure

The Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (DPIIC) coordinates alignment of state, local, and regional restoration strategies, plans, or programs in the Delta to be consistent with the priority attributes described in Appendix Q2. 

Measure Details

A healthy Delta ecosystem requires the re-establishment of large, diverse, and structurally complex, and interconnected habitats. Restoration projects need to have specific attributes to ensure restoration areas provide ecosystem functions and maximize the effectiveness of individual ecosystem protection, restoration, and enhancement project that together support a resilient, functioning Delta ecosystem. These large-scale priority projects restore hydrological and geomorphic processes, improve connectivity, support native vegetation communities, and contribute to the recovery of special-status species (Delta Plan Appendix Q2). 

To advance and accelerate ecosystem protection, restoration, and enhancement within the Delta, these state, local, and federal restoration strategies, plans and programs need to align with the Delta Plan restoration goal of reestablishing ecological resilience:  

  • CDFW Delta Conservation Framework 

  • The CVFPP Conservation Strategy 

  • Delta Conservancy Public Lands Strategy 

  • Regional Conservation Investment Strategies 

  • Regional Conservation Strategies or Partnerships 

  • San Francisco Bay and Suisun Marsh Conservation Strategies, Investments and Partnerships, as appropriate  

  • DWR EcoRestore 

Delta Plan Strategy

Improve Institutional Coordination to Support Implementation of Ecosystem Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement 

Delta Plan Recommendation

ER R’G’ Align State Restoration Plans and Conservation Strategies with the Delta Plan 

Agencies should coordinate, and the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (DPIIC) should consider establishing a subcommittee, to align State, local, or regional restoration strategies, plans or programs in the Delta to be consistent with the priority attributes described in Appendix Q2. These include:  

(a) The Delta Conservation Framework;  

(b) The CVFPP Conservation Strategy;  

(c) The Public Lands Strategy;  

(d) Regional Conservation Investment Strategies;  

(e) Regional Conservation Strategies or Partnerships; and.  

(f) San Francisco Bay and Suisun Marsh Conservation Strategies, Investments and Partnerships, as appropriate. 


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