Admin Measure Summary


The Measure

Local levee maintaining agencies consider developing their own emergency action plans, and stockpiling rock and flood-fighting materials by January 1, 2014.


Measure Details

Through the Department of Water Resources (DWR) Delta Flood Emergency Response Grant Program, DWR provided proposition 1E and proposition 84 funds to at least 17 local agencies within the Delta to develop and support flood emergency response plans. The full list of agencies and action funded can be found on the DWR Flood Emergency Response Projects Grants webpage. To learn more about actions taken by local, state, and federal agencies with emergency authority see the Multi-Hazard Coordination Task Force performance measure.

Delta Plan Strategy

Continue to Prepare for Delta Flood Emergencies

Delta Plan Recommendation

RR R1. Implement Emergency Preparedness and Response

The following actions should be taken to promote effective emergency preparedness and response in the Delta:

  • Responsible local, State, and federal agencies with emergency response authority should continue to implement the recommendations of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Multi-Hazard Coordination Task Force (Water Code section 12994.5). Such actions should support the development of a regional response system for the Delta.
  • Materials should be stockpiled in appropriate locations to make post-disaster repairs of breaches in levees along the water supply reliability corridor identified in the Delta Plan’s Figure 7-6, the western islands important to protection of water quality, and other levees, to complement improvement of levees as provided in RR P1.
  • Local levee-maintaining agencies, with assistance from DWR, should develop their own emergency action plans, training, and floodfight material stockpiles.
  • State and local agencies, and regulated utilities that own and/or operate infrastructure in the Delta should prepare coordinated emergency response plans to protect the infrastructure from long-term outages resulting from failures of the Delta levees. The emergency procedures should consider methods that also would protect Delta land use and ecosystem.

Related Output/Outcome Performance Measure

PM 7.1 Multi-Hazard Coordination Task Force



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