The Measure
Identify number of urban and agricultural water suppliers that certify they have adopted and are implementing supply planning, conservation, and efficiency measures required by State law by 2015, meeting the standards and deadlines established by code.
Delta Plan Strategy
Increase Water Conservation and Expand Local and Regional Supplies
Delta Plan Recommendation
WR R1. Implement Water Efficiency and Water Management Planning Laws. All water suppliers should fully implement applicable water efficiency and water management laws, including urban water management plans (Water Code section 10610 et seq.); the 20 percent reduction in state-wide urban per capita water usage by 2020 (Water Code section 10608 et seq.); agricultural water management plans (Water Code section 10608 et seq. and 10800 et seq.); and other applicable water laws, regulations, or rules.
Related Output/Outcome Performance Measure
PM 3.1 Urban Water Use
PM 3.6 Agricultural Water Planning