Blogs – The Council publishes blogs on topics key to its mission of ensuring a reliable California water supply and resilient Delta ecosystem in a manner that protects and enhances the region as a unique place where people live, work, and recreate.
Covered Actions Portal – The Delta Reform Act of 2009 established a certification process for demonstrating consistency with the Delta Plan. Before a State or local public agency implements certain projects in the Delta, it is required by California law to certify that the project is consistent with Delta Plan regulations. These projects are known as covered actions.
Delta Adapts Vulnerability Assessment StoryMap – This StoryMap provides an overview of the first phase of the Council’s Delta Adapts initiative: the Vulnerability Assessment (VA). The VA was the first comprehensive climate change assessment for the Delta and Suisun Marsh. It will inform a forthcoming Adaptation Strategy.
Delta Levees Investment Strategy – The Delta Reform Act called on the Council to lead a multi-agency effort to update priorities for State investments in the region’s levee system. The goal of the DLIS is to reduce the likelihood and consequences of levee failures, to protect people, property, and State interests while advancing the coequal goals.
Science Research Solicitations – The Council’s Delta Science Program supports scientific research on high-priority topics, in alignment with the SAA, that are critical to establishing knowledge relevant to managing the Delta. Findings from the science projects inform the interpretation of the performance measures and can help to address remaining management action gaps and uncertainties.
The Delta Science Plan – This Plan is a shared framework providing vision, principles, and approaches to better coordinate Delta science and more effectively communicate the outcomes of science activities and their management implication to policymakers. Initially released in 2013 and updated in 2019, the Delta Science Plan fulfills a recommendation in the Delta Plan (GR1) and supports requirements in the 2009 Delta Reform Act, which calls for the use of best available science in the development and implementation of all Delta policies and management.
The Science Action Agenda – Developed by and for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta science community, the Science Action Agenda (SAA) prioritizes and aligns science actions to meet management needs, fosters collaboration and coordination, and guides science funding for the Delta.
The State of Bay-Delta Science – This collection of papers informs science and policy audiences about the “state of the science” for topics of high management concern in the Bay-Delta.
Using Data to Track the Health of California’s Delta – This video explains the importance of tracking how effectively Delta Plan regulations and recommendations are administered.