The Measure
Recreation opportunities increase throughout the Delta and Suisun Marsh.
Implemented recreation opportunities in the Delta and Suisun Marsh identified in the California State Parks Recreation Proposal.
Performance Metrics
- Number of regional recreation proposal recommendations and outcomes in Delta and Suisun Marsh, evaluated annually.
In Progress
Project Behind Schedule
The Delta and Suisun Marsh region has a mix of land and water and offers diverse and authentic recreation opportunities. Many visitors and locals enjoy boating, fishing, cultural tourism, agricultural tourism, and the Delta’s natural landscapes.
To support recreation in the Delta, the California Department of Parks and Recreation developed a recreation proposal for the Delta and Suisun Marsh. The recreation proposal presents recommendations for protecting and enhancing recreational opportunities in the Delta. The recommendations include ways to invite more visitors and residents to enjoy and appreciate the Delta and Suisun Marsh region.
Implementation of these recommendations should be coordinated with funding availability and other changes in the region. Tracking the implementation of the recommendations will provide information on the enhancement of Delta recreation.
Each chapter of the Delta plan includes strategies to achieve the goals of the plan. These strategies are general guidance on achieving the objective laid out in the plan and in the Delta Reform Act of 2009. Associated with these strategies are recommendations. The recommendations describe more specific and implementable actions to support the achievement of Delta Plan strategies. Strategies may also have associated performance measures. Delta Plan performance measures track progress in achieving desired outcomes for the Delta Plan. Below are the strategies and recommendations associated with this performance measure.
Delta Plan Strategy
- Encourage Recreation and Tourism
Delta Plan Recommendations
- Provide New and Protect Existing Recreation Opportunities
- Encourage Partnerships to Support Recreation and Tourism
- Expand State Recreation Areas
- Enhance Nature-based Recreation
- Promote Boating Safety
- Encourage Recreation on Public Lands
- Enhance Opportunities for Visitor-serving Businesses
- Provide Public Access on Appropriately-located Delta Levees
Number of regional Recreation Proposal recommendations and outcomes implemented within the Delta and Suisun Marsh, evaluated annually.
Measured as of the date of the regional Recreation Proposal completion in 2011.
Implementation of the recommendations and outcomes put forward within the Recreation Proposal, to be achieved by 2025.
Council staff will track the status of the recommendations and outcomes detailed in the 2011 California State Parks Recreation Proposal for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh.
Here are the status of each recreation proposal recommendation and outcomes without years listed by agency:
California State Parks
Stone Lake: On this park property, continue joint management as wildlife habitat:
• Continue environmental education and interpretation programs (US Fish and Wildlife Service and environmental organizations), Complete
• Consider connecting to the California Recreational Trails System, Not Complete
Franks Tract State Recreation Area: Explore partnerships to increase boating, fishing, and hunting opportunities and enhance boating safety, Complete
Potential Future State Parks in the Delta-Suisun Marsh Region
Elkhorn Basin: Create a basecamp by partnering with landowners on the Sacramento River to secure about 1,500 acres and restore habitat at this northern end of the Yolo Bypass. Provide campsites, picnic sites, trails, fishing, and interpretive services (land trusts, Yolo County, and others), Not complete
Wright-Elmwood Tract: Evaluate the feasibility of a new state recreation area adjoining Stockton on the 1,300-acre Wright-Elmwood Tract to provide Delta access and recreation and to restore habitat (Stockton stakeholders, CDFW), Not complete
South Delta (possibly in the Old River area): Explore the potential to create a basecamp on an upland area of about 200 acres using construction spoils, and develop picnic sites, trails, and education and interpretive services, and, when needed, campsites. Interpret a water trail connecting to the San Joaquin River (CDFW, DBW, and San Joaquin County), Not complete
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
Incorporate recreation into proposed Bay Delta Conservation Plan restoration areas, providing boat-in campsites, floating toilets, docks, fishing piers, and other facilities where feasible, Not complete
Explore recreation potential for the Cache Slough complex. Acquire flooded islands as feasible and develop them for environmental restoration and outdoor recreation, primarily wildlife observation, boating, fishing, and hunting. Coordinate with DWR, Yolo and Solano Counties, and landowners, Not complete – Some Consideration from Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the Delta Conservancy but there has been no comprehensive or specific recreational plan for Cache Slough yet.
Investigate the addition of recreation facilities as part of an expanded San Joaquin River floodplain at Mossdale/Vernalis, Not complete
Improve environmental interpretation of wildlife areas and ecological reserves, including Yolo Bypass, Suisun Marsh/Grizzly Island and Lower Sherman Island Wildlife Areas, and Woodbridge Ecological Reserve, Not complete
Consider partnering with Suisun City, Solano Land Trust, private duck clubs, and others on an ecotourism program promoting low-carbon excursions by Amtrak from the Bay Area to Suisun Marsh, Bay, and City businesses. Collaborate with agencies, nonprofit partners, private landowners, and businesses to expand other wildlife observation, angling, and hunting opportunities where feasible, Not complete
Continue providing boating facilities, including launching facilities, public visitor docks, boat-in day use and overnight facilities, vessel pump-out facilities, floating restrooms, and floating campsites, Complete
Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW)
Develop with agencies, a regional water trail plan, Complete
California Department of Transportation (CalTrans)
Seek National Scenic Byway status for Hwy. 160. Prepare a scenic byway plan that incorporates recreation features such as improved signage and way finding, pullouts for interpretation, river access, bank fishing, and, where feasible, sidewalks and/or traffic-separated bikeways to facilitate non-motorized travel and improve regional trails. Construct these facilities in coordination with other highway improvements, Not complete
Interpret Highway 84 historic ferries and the region’s historic bridges, Not complete
Provide a roadside rest area with Delta interpretation along a scenic stretch of Interstate 5, Not complete
Department of Water Resources
Increase access to publicly-owned areas at Twitchell and Sherman Islands with signage and publicity for bank fishing areas, hunting programs, levee-top trails, and environmental education, Not complete
Consider safe recreation improvements, when feasible, at new State Water Project facilities in the Delta, such as intakes and forebays; incorporate interpretation into proposed water infrastructure, Not complete
Update the California Water Plan to encourage recreation at water management facilities, Not complete
Provide financial and technical support to Integrated Regional Water Management groups for projects that enhance recreation, Complete
Collaborate with agencies to interpret the State Water Project and US Bureau of Reclamation water conveyance facilities such as the Delta Cross Channel, Banks Pumping Plant, Clifton Court Forebay, and Bethany Reservoir in appropriate locations, Not complete
Consider adding recreation facilities for bank fishing, windsurfing, hunting, and other appropriate activities at Clifton Court Forebay, Not complete
Consider recreation opportunities at flooded islands that cannot be reclaimed cost-effectively after disasters, Not complete
Incorporate shoreline access, trails, boat ramps, hunting opportunities, and interpretive facilities as appropriate in restoration projects at Dutch Slough, McCormack-Williamson Tract, Suisun Marsh, and other sites, Not complete
State Lands Commission
Develop a strategy for managing the impact of rising seas on public
and private docks and marinas in navigable waterways
Maintain, to the extent feasible, navigable waterways
Delta Protection Commission
Update the management plan to encourage new development to provide public access to the Delta shoreline unless 1) it is inconsistent with public safety or the protection of fragile resources, 2) adequate access exists nearby, or 3) agriculture would be adversely affected, Not complete
California State Parks Recreation Proposal for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh
Promoting Active Visits to Parks: Models and Strategies for Transdisciplinary Collaboration
Economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Managing urban wetlands for multiple use: research, restoration, and recreation
Delta Plan Appendix E - Performance Measures for the Delta Plan