New Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta residential developments must be consistent with Delta Plan sea level rise policies.

The Measure

Flood protection planning for new residential development in the Delta considers sea level rise.

  • Expectations

    Residential development will not continue in rural areas of the Delta without adequate flood protection.

  • Performance Metrics

    • Number of proposed actions covered by the Delta Plan policy to require flood protection for residential development in rural areas (RR P2), evaluated as actions are submitted.

Covered Actions implicating RR P2 by Year

This visualization shows the number of covered actions (reported) and the percentage of the actions that implicate RR P2 as bar graph for each year.

Next Data Update: New data for each year will be updated in January of the following year.

The Delta Reform Act requires the Delta Plan to promote appropriate land use in order to reduce the risks to people, property, and state interests in the Delta. Sea level rise, subsidence, and new residential development combine in the Delta to potentially put many more lives at risk. Delta Plan Policy RR P2 requires flood protection for some new residential developments in rural areas. Under this policy, residential development cannot occur in rural areas of the Delta without adequate flood protection. The policy is intended to reduce risk while preserving the Delta unique character and agricultural way of life.

In addition, the Delta Plan encourages those who live in the flood-prone areas of the Delta to have flood insurance and be aware of local emergency preparedness and response plans.

The measure will track the number of new residential developments and assess how current policies are being implemented in the field.

Each chapter of the Delta plan includes strategies to achieve the goals of the plan. These strategies are general guidance on achieving the objective laid out in the plan and in the Delta Reform Act of 2009. Associated with these strategies are recommendations. The recommendations describe more specific and implementable actions to support the achievement of Delta Plan strategies. Strategies and recommendations may also have associated performance measures. Delta Plan performance measures track progress in achieving desired outcomes for the Delta Plan. Below are the strategy and recommendation associated with this performance measure.

Delta Plan Strategy
  • Manage Rural Floodplains to Avoid Increased Flood Risk
Delta Plan Recommendation
  • Maintain Lower Risk Uses of Flood-Prone Rural Lands


Number of proposed actions covered by the Delta Plan policy to require flood protection for residential development in rural areas (RR P2). This performance measure will be evaluated as covered actions are submitted.


Not applicable because this measure has a prescribed target and is not showing a change from a baseline.


100 percent of proposed actions to which RR P2 are applicable meet the requirements of RR P2. This target is to be achieved upon the adoption of this performance measure.


A complete list of covered actions is available from the covered actions page.


Each certification of consistency reports on either the consistency with or applicability of Delta Plan policy RR P2.  These are aggregated and reported by year.

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